Разбрасыватели удобрений
Fertilizer spreaders
Subsoil cultivators
User Agreement

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is concluded between the Limited Liability Company “United Industrial” (hereinafter referred to as the "Site Owner") and any person who, after accepting the terms of this agreement, becomes a user of the site located on the Internet at: https://unitedindustrial.ru/ (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), hereinafter referred to as The "User", collectively referred to as the "Parties" and separately referred to as the "Party" in the text of the Agreement.
As per Article 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this User Agreement is deemed as a public offer.
As per Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the fact of any person establishing or gaining access to a connection in order to use the Site is considered as the unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement.
This Agreement, being concluded by means of accepting this public offer, does not require bilateral signing and is valid in electronic form.

1. Terms and definitions used in the Agreement
Unless otherwise expressly follows from the text of this Agreement, the following words and expressions in this Agreement are to have the meanings indicated below:
1.1. Site – a set of ECM software and hardware that ensures the publication of information and data for public viewing, the information and data being united by a common purpose, through technical means used for communication between ECMs on the Internet. The site is located on the Internet at: https://unitedindustrial.ru/
1.2. Site Owner (Administrator) is a Limited Liability Company “United Industrial” (OGRN 1101650000870), located at: 141402, Russian Federation, Moscow Oblast, Khimki city district, City of Khimki, Leningradskaya Street, Property 39, Building 6.
1.3. Content of the Site comprises all objects posted on the Site, including design elements, text, graphic images, illustrations, trademarks, videos, scripts, programs, music, sounds, as well as other objects and collections thereof.
1.4. User – the user of the Site (a commercial entity or an individual entrepreneur).
1.5. Site Services (Services) – the programs made accessible at the Site that provide the User with the opportunity to use the services of the Site Owner and/or Services.
1.6. Use – any reproduction, distribution, publication, on-air and/or cable broadcasting, import, rental use, public presentation and other use of the Content and Services of the Site, regulated by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Subject of the Agreement
2.1. The Site Owner provides the User with services to enable access to the Content and services of the Site, while the prerequisite for the provision of services by the Site Owner in as per this Agreement is acceptance, compliance and application to the relations of the Parties of the requirements and provisions defined in this Agreement by the User.
2.2. The Site Owner reserves the right to change the terms of this Agreement and all its integral parts without the consent of the User by posting a new version of the Agreement or any of its integral parts that have undergone changes on the Site. The new version of the Agreement and/or any of its integral parts enter into force from the moment of publication on the Site, unless a different date for the entry into force of the changes is determined by the Site Owner when these are published.
2.3. The Site Owner has the right to change and update the Content and Services of the Site without notifying the User, impose any restrictions on the use of the Site, restrict access to information posted on the Site, including in cases pertaining to the age restrictions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation (age labeling).
2.4. This Agreement does not grant the User of the Site the right to use domain names, trademarks, trade names, other intellectual property objects of the Site Owner and third parties.
2.5. The use of the Site materials without the consent of the Site Owner and other copyright holders is not allowed, except for their use for informational and familiarizing purposes.
2.6. When quoting the materials of the Site, the User is required to provide a link to the Site.
2.7. The Site, the Content of the Site, and the Services of the Site are intended for use by commercial entities (through their authorized representatives and employees) and individual entrepreneurs. The Site Owner does not provide services and does not sell goods to citizen-consumers.
As goods, the Site Owner sells industrial and technical products (namely agricultural and other machinery, as well as spare parts and additional equipment for use with such machinery) that are intended to be used by end customers exclusively in entrepreneurial activities (not subject to sale to citizen-consumers), by virtue whereof the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" do not apply to the relations of the Parties (directly or on the basis of analogy).

3. Rights and obligations of the Site Owner
3.1. The Site Owner is obliged to:
3.1.1. Provide the User with the services specified in Clause 2.1 of this Agreement.
3.2. The Site Owner has the right to:
3.2.1. Dispose of the statistical information related to the functioning of the Site, as well as User information to ensure targeted display of advertising information to various audiences of Site Users.
3.2.2. Conduct quality surveys pertaining to the operation of the Site, provide and request other information, as well as advertise their own activities and services.

4. Restrictions on the collection, processing and storage of personal data
4.1. The Site Owner does not collect, process and store personal data. There are no forms on the Site for collecting and processing personal data.
4.2. Site Users agree to the provisions of Clause 4.1 of this Agreement and undertake not to upload their personal data and personal data of third parties on the Site, not to enter personal data into the forms available on the Site, and not to use personal data of third parties in any way that does not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, for wrongful or illegal purposes, for the purpose of deriving profit and any other purposes that do not correspond to the purposes of the creation and operation of the Site.

5. Rights and obligations of the User
5.1. The User is obliged:
5.1.1. To fully familiarize himself/herself with the terms of this Agreement before using the Site.
5.1.2. To comply with all the terms of this Agreement.
5.1.3. Not to upload, store, publish, or distribute any information that: contains threats, discredits, insults, denigrates the honor and dignity or business reputation, or violates the privacy of other Users or third parties; violates the rights of minors; is vulgar or obscene, contains obscene language, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of sexual nature involving minors; contains scenes of violence towards or inhumane treatment of animals; contains a description of the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it; promotes and/or facilitates to promote incitement based on racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, promotes fascism or the ideology of racial superiority; contains extremist materials; promotes criminal activity or contains tips, instructions or guidelines for committing criminal acts; contains restricted access information, including, but not limited to, state and commercial classified information, information about the private life of third parties; contains advertisements for or describes the attractiveness of alcohol and/or narcotic substances, including "digital drugs" (audio files that affect the human brain due to binaural rhythms), information about the distribution of drugs, recipes for their manufacture and tips on their use; is fraudulent in nature; as well as violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.1.4. Not to use software and not to carry out actions aimed at disrupting the normal operation of the Site and its Services, not to download, store, publish, distribute or provide access or otherwise use viruses, trojans and other malicious programs; not to use automated scripts (programs) without the special permission of the Site Owner to collect information on the Site and/or interact with the Site and its Services.
5.1.5. The User is solely responsible to third parties for his/her actions pertaining to the use of the Site, inter alia if such actions lead to the violation of rights and legitimate interests of third parties, as well as for compliance with the law when using the Site.
5.2. The User is prohibited from:
5.2.1. Accessing any of the Services in any other way besides through the interface provided by the Site Owner, except in the cases where the User was expressly authorized to perform such actions as per the terms of a separate agreement concluded with the Site Owner.
5.2.2. Reproducing, duplicating, copying, selling, carrying out trading operations and reselling the services for any purpose, except in the cases where the User was expressly authorized to carry out such actions as per the terms of a separate agreement concluded with the Site Owner.
5.3. The User has the right to:
5.3.1. Access the published Content of the Site using a web browser 24/7, except for the time of preventive maintenance and repair work.
5.4. The User agrees that by accessing the Site and using its content and Services he/she:
5.4.1. Unconditionally consents to all the terms of this Agreement and undertakes to comply with them or stop using the Site.
5.4.2. Receives a personal non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the Content of the Site on one computer, provided that neither the User himself/herself nor any other persons assisted by the User are to copy or modify the software; create programs derived from the software; violate the integrity of the software in order to obtain program codes; sell, assign, lease, transfer to third parties the rights pertaining to the services software provided by the Site in any other form.
5.4.3. The Site Owner reserves the right not to notify the Site User about the date, time and duration of preventive maintenance and repair work.

6. Liability of the Parties
6.1. The Site Owner does not guarantee that the Site software does not contain errors and/or computer viruses or extraneous code fragments. The Site Owner enables the User to use the Site software "as is", without any guarantees from the Site Owner.
6.2. The Site Owner is not responsible for any information and materials of third parties posted on the Site that the User accesses by utilizing the Site Services or links posted on the Site, and does not verify such information and materials for compliance with the requirements of reliability, completeness and legality.
6.3. The Site Owner is not responsible for losses incurred in connection with the User's use of the Site, its content, Services or the impossibility of such use. The Site Owner does not provide any guarantees regarding the possible results of the User's use of the information and Services posted on the Site. The Site Owner does not bear any responsibility for the accuracy of recommendations or statements of third parties posted on the Site, except in cases where such statements are made by authorized representatives of the Site Owner.
6.4. The Site Owner makes every possible effort to ensure the normal operation of the Site but is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, as well as possible losses (including forgone benefit) arising, including, but not limited to, as a result of:
– illegal actions of Users aimed at violating information security or normal operation of the Site;
– failures of the Site caused by errors in the code, computer viruses and other extraneous code fragments in the Site software;
– absence of (inability to establish, terminate, etc.) Internet connection between the User's server and the Site server;
– activities carried out within the framework of the System for Operative Investigative Activities by state, municipal authorities and other organizations;
– the establishment of state regulation (or regulation by other organizations) of economic activities of commercial organizations on the Internet and/or the establishment of one-time restrictions by these entities that make it difficult or impossible to fulfill the Agreement;
– other cases related to actions (inaction) of Users and/or other entities aimed at aggravation of the general state of affairs pertaining to the use of the Internet and/or computer equipment that existed at the time of conclusion of the Agreement, as well as any other actions aimed at the Site and the third parties;
– performing the work specified in Clauses 5.5 and 5.6 of this Agreement.
6.5. In the event of force majeure, as well as accidents or failures in the software and hardware complexes of third parties cooperating with the Site Owner, or actions (inaction) of third parties aimed at suspending or terminating the operation of the Site, the operation of the Site may be suspended without prior notification of the User.
6.6. Neither Party is responsible for the complete or partial failure to fulfill any of its obligations if the failure to fulfill is the result of circumstances such as flood, fire, earthquake, other natural disasters, war or military operations and other circumstances of force majeure that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement and are independent of the will of the Parties.
6.7. Unexceptionally, the liability of the Site Owner is limited: the total amount of actual damages levied and other sanctions may not exceed 1000 (one thousand) rubles; compensation for lost profits is expressly excluded.

7. The procedure for dispute resolution and claim settlement. Applicable law.
7.1. In case of disputes between the User and the Site Owner on issues pertaining to the execution of the Agreement, the Parties are to take all measures to resolve them through negotiations among themselves. The extrajudicial dispute resolution procedure for dispute resolution is mandatory. User claims pertaining to the services provided are accepted and reviewed by the Site Owner only in writing and in accordance with the procedure provided for in this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.2. The following claim procedure is applied to resolve disputes between the User and the Site Owner arising as a result of using the services. A User who considers his/her rights to have been violated due to the actions of the Site Owner sends a claim to the latter, providing the essence of the claim, the justification for its presentation, as well as all of the User’s data, including consent to the processing of the User's personal data. The Claim is sent to the Site Owner in writing per post or by e-mail to the addresses indicated on the Site;
– within 10 (Ten) business days from the date of receipt of the claim, the Site Owner is obliged to state his/her position on the fundamental issues indicated in it and send his/her response to the e-mail address or postal address specified in the User's claim;
– in case of failure to resolve the dispute through the claim procedure, the dispute is subject to consideration in accordance with Clause 7.4 of the Agreement;
– the Site Owner does not review anonymous claims or claims that do not allow identifying the User based on the data provided by him/her during registration, or claims that do not contain the data specified in this paragraph of the Agreement.
7.3. In order to resolve technical issues during the ascertainment of the User's guilt arising from his/her illegal actions that have taken place during his/her use of the Internet and the Site, in particular, the Site Owner has the right to independently involve competent organizations as experts. In case the User's guilt has been ascertained, the latter is obliged to reimburse the costs of the expert examination and other losses incurred by the Site Owner.
7.4. If no agreement has been reached between the Parties through negotiations, the dispute arising from this Agreement is subject to consideration by the Arbitration Court of Moscow Oblast (if the dispute is within the competence of the courts of general jurisdiction, then the dispute is subject to consideration by the court of general jurisdiction wherever the Site Owner is located).
7.5. Applicable law is the substantive law of the Russian Federation.

8. Miscellaneous
8.1. This Agreement enters into force from the moment of acceptance of this public offer by the User and is concluded to be valid for an indefinite period.
8.2. This Agreement is a public offer and, by virtue of the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the Site Owner has the right to withdraw the public offer as per Article 436 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In case this agreement is revoked by the Site Owner, this agreement is considered terminated from the moment of revocation. The revocation is carried out by posting the corresponding information on the Site.
8.3. The provisions of this Agreement are enacted, amended and canceled by the Site Owner unilaterally and without prior notice. From the moment the new version of the Agreement is posted on the Site, the previous version ceases to be in force and effect. In the event of a significant change in the provisions of this Agreement, the Site Owner notifies Users about this by posting a corresponding message on the Site.
8.4. If the User does not consent to the terms of this Agreement, then he/she must immediately stop using the Site, otherwise the continued use of the Site by the User means that the User consents to the terms of the Agreement.
8.5. Issues not regulated by this Agreement are subject to resolution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.